GPS location of Cesky Krumlov: 48° 49´ N, 14° 19´ E (49.2, 12.9)
Distances for other cities:
- Ceske Budejovice is about 22 km
- Linz is about 70 km
- Prague is about 180 km
- München is about 300 km
Airports nearby:
- Prague (180 km)
- Linz / Austria (70 km)
- München / Germany (300 km)
Cesky Krumlov is a romantic city in the south region of the Czech Republic, near city Ceske Budejovice and Linz (Austria).
Best known for the great architecture and art of the historic old town and Cesky Krumlov Castle.
Old Cesky Krumlov is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was given this status along with the historic Prague castle district.
Direction from Prague
We offer you taxi transfer from Prague to Cesky Krumlov for 3.990 CZK / car (up to 4 persons). It is possible to return the same day back to Prague for no other costs besides waiting time (200 CZK per hour).
By train from Prague, you have to change in Ceske Budejovice (journey of approximately 4-5 hours).
By bus from Prague bus station Na Knizeci. (180 km - journey of about 3-5 hours).
Please find the location of this bus station on our map. It is the white mark in lower, left part of the map.
Timetible of buses and trains is available here (middle right side button for english).
By car from Prague, depart by direction Brno (D1) on International road E55. Passing Ceske Budejovice, take right on road 35. Whole trip is about 170 km.
Direction from Ceske Budejovice
Train - Ceske Budejovice (the journey of aproximately 45 minutes). Town Ceske Budejovice is one of the stations of international express trains from Prague to Zürich and Wien.
Bus - Ceske Budejovice (22 km - the journey of about 30 minutes) in regular intervals. Town Ceske Budejovice is one of the stops of international bus lines.
Timetible of buses and trains is available here (middle right side button for english).
Tickets for most buses to Cesky Krumlov can be bought online right here >>
Important phone numbers for travelers
1181 International information phone number
1230 Information for motorists
1240 Non-stop help line for motorists
Parking information
In the historical centre of the Cesky Krumlov is a pedestrian zone and parking is allowed only on special permition of the municipal office.
Approximately 680 parking spaces are offered by the municipal parking system in the vicinity of historical centre (on each side). Car parks have sign P1-4 and parking for buses is P-BUS (near to the public Bus stop on the west side of the center).